Afişleri gerçekten çok etkileyici..:)
Su Savaşları:
Adidas: Live Online Interactive Competition
Scholz & Volkmer are launching a new campaign for Adidas where they are staging a live “interactive” online competition from this Sunday (26th July) for 5 days where fans will be able to control everything a German actor (who wants to become the 12th man of FC Bayern) is required to do online. Users will be able to set tasks for him to complete, control what he can or can’t do or even provide information to help complete objectives! The entire event can be experienced live here.
23.07.2009 Burger King’s New Portal
Burger King has just launched the new portal that houses the very best of their viral and advertising content, plus you can interact with their menu in a whole range of interesting ways. It’s now a really cool place to waste some time for anyone that loves their campaigns or the menu! Possibly the best new feature they’ve introduced their “have it your way” tag-line as the key navigation structure with 3 sliders that allow you to control the type content you want to access on the home page.
Check out:
Google Maps: Favourite Places
Google Maps has just launched a new app called “Favourite Places” as a tourist guide from the many different perspectives of influential locals. Selecting somewhere like New York City gives you personally bookmarked locations to visit, each with personal notes of why that spot was chosen and related images.
Not sure it will be a tourist “must see” before you go, but its an interesting experience depending on the person you choose to browse a city with… Musician, Chef, Mayor, Sporting Star… Check out the Google Favourite Places website here.
Location-Based Services Pinpoint Success
Gartner is predicting huge gains for mobile location-based services (LBS) in 2009. The firm estimates that total LBS subscribers will more than double worldwide this year, to 95.7 million.
“The LBS industry has matured rapidly in recent months through a mixture of consolidation, improved price/performance of the enabling technologies and compelling location applications,” said Annette Zimmermann, Gartner analyst.
Worldwide revenues from consumer location-based services were under $1 billion in 2008, but Gartner projects they will top $2.2 billion this year. North America’s share will be the largest, at $713.7 million.Currently, about 10% to 15% of users in North America and Western Europe take advantage of free services. The researcher expects that share to climb to between 40% and 50% by 2013.
The rise of mobile applications and availability of a wider variety of location-based services will continue to fuel popularity—and new mobile marketing opportunities. Locally tailored digital coupons, for example, will go hand in hand with local search.
Search Marketers' PPC Usage Report - May 2009
As this chart shows, usage of the recently introduced PPC on Facebook is only slightly less than that of Yahoo!’s well established content network. The somewhat sticky question this provokes is why, in a siloed world of search, display and offline media buying, are search marketers buying display ads? If more and more media buying moves to performance-based PPC bid models, does that put the Search Marketer in charge of the larger media buying budget?
To muddy the waters further, PPC ads on Facebook are often designed to drive users to Facebook-markable web pages creating a viral spread effect within the social network. These engaged users posting links on their Facebook pages drive organic traffic-until now the domain of SEO experts. The effect of all this is that more experts have to become generalists, and cross-functional strategies are becoming more common.
Wherever there are consumers clicking, there are search marketers and PPC ad buyers at work. In fact, as more publishers opt to offer a PPC buying option, the universe of PPC ads will continue to increase. Facebook serves as a perfect example. They offer advertisers the choice to buy display ads on a CPM basis or bid for PPC placements in nearly the same way that Google sells text ads on their content network. These big, successful publishers would not be using the model if it didn’t work. The collective web has arrived, and trained search marketers stand to benefit greatly from this shift in the advertising industry.
Asıl motosiklet kullanmamak çılgınlık
Kampanyada modern bir dil kullanılarak motosiklet kullanıcılarına yönelik olumsuz bakışın tam tersi mesaj verilmesi hedefleniyor. MOTED’e teşekkürler.
Ayrıntılı bilgi:
Mobile usage Trends
The iPhone is among the most hyped of all smartphones—especially with the recent launch of the 3GS model. Even better for Apple, though, is the fact that the hype may translate to real brand loyalty.
Not only are iPhone owners more satisfied—and more brand-loyal—than any other smartphone users, they use the most smartphone features.
iPhone owners were more likely than users of BlackBerrys and other advanced handsets to use all of the most popular functions, including Wi-Fi and GPS.
iPhone users were also more satisfied with their screen size, navigation within their phone, the availability of add-ons and the quality of video playback.
The most commonly used smartphone functions, on average, were the Internet (80% of respondents), camera (74%) and e-mail (73%).
Highly satisfied customers add up to big brand equity for Apple. Fully 82% of iPhone users told Crowd Science they would probably or definitely purchase an iPhone again, and 97% would recommend the device to someone else.
What’s more, 38% of smartphone users without an iPhone said they would probably or definitely buy one next, compared with just 14% of non-BlackBerry users who would purchase a BlackBerry.
Mercedes Benz (Kanada) - "B Class" Mikrosite
Sitede istenilen bilgiler kompakt olarak veriliyor fakat daha detaylı bilgiye ulaşmak da mümkün.
Siteyi merak edenler için:
Her Hafta Yeni Bir Tişört -
"HER HAFTA YENİ BİR TİŞÖRT!" mottosuyla yola çıkan websayfası ürünlerini kendi tasarlamak isteyen herkese açık.. Ürünlerin fiyatlarının ortalama 25 TL olması ise tasarım ürünler için gayet makul bir fiyat.
Göz atmak isteyenler için:
Kendi ağzından Tasarti;
Tasartı.com’da devam etmekte olan Tasarım Yarışması sonucu, her hafta bir tasarım, tişört olarak satışa çıkar. Dolayısıyla, Tasartı.com’da her hafta yeni bir tişört satın alabileceksiniz. İleride yeni tişört ekleme sıklığını arttırmayı planlıyoruz.
Peki, tasarımların arasından basılacak tişört nasıl seçiliyor? Bu tişörtü, oylamalarınızla siz seçiyorsunuz. Haftanın tişörtü, o tarihe kadar gönderilmiş tasarımlar içinde en fazla ve en yüksek oyu almış olan tasarımlar arasından seçiliyor.Ben ilk siparişimi verdim, ürün geldikten sonraki yorumlarımı da buradan paylaşacağım..
Not Twitter - Its :))
Bugün beni twitter'dan ekleyen web sayfası ise takdire şayan bir oluşum!!!:) Twitter'ın template'i üzerinde ufak oynamalarla yerli twitter'ı oluşturmuşlar. Kendilerini pazarlama yöntemleri ise yine twitter:)
Bu fikir dehası arkadaşları FriendFeed ve Hi5 gibi siteleri uygularken de görmek isteriz:))
Web Sayfası:
Ana sayfa;
P.S: Olurda blog'uma ulaşırlarsa, Ne demişler: "Reklamın iyisi kötüsü olmaz":))
Hakan @ EMOK Festival..
Türkiye Motoriders Grubu ( ile bu yıl 8. si düzenlenen Emok (Enduro Motosiklet Kulübü) festivali için Bilecik pazaryeri'nde çadırımı kurdum. 3-4-5 Temmuz günleri boyunca gün içindeki aktiviteler, enduro eğitimi ve gece konserleri tam anlamıyla müthişti.
9.Emok'ta görüşmek üzere..
Hakan'ın KTM 250 Exc denemeleri.. Bu motor kesinlikle tork canavarı..
Michael Jackson Death Completely Overwhelms Media
An Online Outpouring
Nielsen reported that Jackson-related news dominated web discussion on June 25, causing huge spikes in traffic and overwhelming social networks with bursts of information and updates from millions of users.
In comparison, the high volume of blog discussions about Jackson made recent buzz around the swine flu scare and President Obama’s inauguration seem paltry and insignificant.
Similarly a Nielsen Buzzmetrics analysis revealed that more than 16% of tweets in the 24-hour period after Jackson’s death mentioned the singer, while less than 2% of mentioned Farrah Fawcett and Iran - two other high-profile news topics during the same time period.
Information from Mashable put the percentage of MJ-tribute tweets higher, at close to 30%, with a reported 50,000 tweets in just one hour. Mashable said that Twitter tracking tool Twist showed 22.61% of Tweets following Jackson’s death with the phrase “Michael Jackson,” 9% containing “MJ,” and 25% including the name “Michael.” Twitter is reported to have crashed at least once during this time.
The ICM News site in the UK reported that search engine Google dramatically slowed down between 2:40 pm and 3:15 pm Pacific time on June 25, as millions of Googlers entering the star’s name got an error page rather than a list of results. These difficulties were later confirmed by Google.
In addition, many entertainment sites slowed significantly and became difficult to access, including celebrity gossip site, according to TechCrunch. first broke the story that Jackson’s heart had stopped and paramedics had been summoned.
MP3 Downloads Surge
Rolling Stone reported that, following Jackson’s death, the top five albums on iTunes, and seven of the Top 10, were all Jackson releases, with The Essential Michael Jackson, Thriller and Off the Wall ranking as the top three.
Similarly, the Amazon MP3 store listed Jackson as the service’s top-selling artist of the day following his death, said Rolling Stone. also documented a large increase in listeners to “The King of Pop” in the moments following his passing, with a peak of roughly 42,000 of his songs played on the service between 6 pm and 8 pm ET.
Downloads of Michael Jackson’s music also caused a surge on BitTorrent, where, immediately after his death, the three most active torrents in the music section on the largest torrent indexer, Mininova, were all compilations or discographies from MJ. On top was a torrent listing 30 Michael Jackson albums, The Jackson 5 and The Jacksons, totaling 1.94 GB of music.