
Mobile usage Trends

According to the “Smartphone Usage and Brand Study” from Crowd Science, 13% of mobile phone users surveyed worldwide (with approximately half from the US) use iPhones, overtaking Blackberry at 9%.

The iPhone is among the most hyped of all smartphones—especially with the recent launch of the 3GS model. Even better for Apple, though, is the fact that the hype may translate to real brand loyalty. 

Not only are iPhone owners more satisfied—and more brand-loyal—than any other smartphone users, they use the most smartphone features. 

iPhone owners were more likely than users of BlackBerrys and other advanced handsets to use all of the most popular functions, including Wi-Fi and GPS.

iPhone users were also more satisfied with their screen size, navigation within their phone, the availability of add-ons and the quality of video playback. 

The most commonly used smartphone functions, on average, were the Internet (80% of respondents), camera (74%) and e-mail (73%).

Highly satisfied customers add up to big brand equity for Apple. Fully 82% of iPhone users told Crowd Science they would probably or definitely purchase an iPhone again, and 97% would recommend the device to someone else. 

What’s more, 38% of smartphone users without an iPhone said they would probably or definitely buy one next, compared with just 14% of non-BlackBerry users who would purchase a BlackBerry.