
Email Performance 2001 to 2009

The Takeaways:

In 2001, it was still easy to get opt-ins. "Relevance" wasn’t our ad nauseum catchword yet, and simply throwing up an email capture field would yield names. We saw a peak in the bursting bubble year of 2002. Then (as now) marketers were looking for low cost ways of reaching their target markets, retaining customers and hitting their quarterly goals.

Over time, we see that efficacy fell off the high. Email matured, inboxes filled up and other media worked their way into business and personal life. Given the competition for attention, email has held up remarkably well, especially given its yearly obituary at the hands of the latest, greatest tactic.

In 2004 we see our two groups begin to really diverge. At this point it’s no longer a walk in the park to get new subscribers; marketers are finding that they have to provide value, think about relevance and pay attention to their email programs to see continued increase in its impact.

Every year the gap grows, as those who fit our ‘best practices’ model (a definition which evolved over the years based on tracked metrics) report stable or improving impact for email, while those still batching and blasting see diminishing returns.

ref: http://www.marketingsherpa.com/article.php?ident=31332#


350.org - Solutions to the climate crisis

350.org is an international campaign dedicated to building a movement to unite the world around solutions to the climate crisis--the solutions that justice demand.  

Our mission is to inspire the world to rise to the challenge of the climate crisis--to create a new sense of urgency and of possibility for our planet.  

Our focus is on the number 350--as in parts per million, the level scientists have identified as the safe upper limit for CO2 in our atmosphere. But 350 is more than a number--it's a symbol of where we need to head as a planet.  

To tackle climate change we need to move quickly, and we need to act in unison--and 2009 will be an absolutely crucial year. This December, world leaders will meet in Copenhagen, Denmark to craft a new global treaty on cutting emissions. The problem is, the treaty currently on the table doesn't meet the severity of the climate crisis--it doesn't pass the 350 test.

In order to unite the public, media, and our political leaders behind the 350 goal, we're harnessing the power of the internet to coordinate a planetary day of action on October 24, 2009. We hope to have actions at hundreds of iconic places around the world - from the Taj Mahal to the Great Barrier Reef to your community - and clear message to world leaders: the solutions to climate change must be equitable, they must be grounded in science, and they must meet the scale of the crisis.  

If an international grassroots movement holds our leaders accountable to the latest climate science, we can start the global transformation we so desperately need.

Website: http://www.350.org

Yeni Düldülüm..:))

Bmw F650 Gs.. Daha 15.000 km'de, inşallah nice 15.000'leri beraber yapacağız..:))

Unutmadan, zamanında alım-satım ücreti ne kadar diye bayağı araştırmıştım fakat net bir bilgiye ulaşamamıştım; Fulya'da bir noter'de 183 TL ödedim. Bmw sahibi olmak isteyenlere de duyurulur..


From Çanakkale..

Without any comment..


Türkiye ve Dünya'dan Online Veriler Sunumum

Thanks to;

Serkan Söğüt (as Art Direction)

Düşecek Domain Takibi..

Düşecek domainleri nasıl takip edebilirim? Diyorsanız bu yazıda vereceğim site ile istediğiniz domainin düşüş tarihini öğrenebilir, isterseniz de siteden düşecek 100lerce domainin listesine günü gününe bakabilirsiniz.

Aradığınız domaini buldunuz fakat bakıyorsunuz domain başkasının üzerine. Para verip almakta istemiyorsunuz. Domainstandi.com a girerek domainin ne zaman düşeceğini öğrenebilirsiniz.


Steve McQueen Quote..

Every time I start thinking the world is all bad, then I start seein' some people out there having a good time on motorcycles, it makes me take another look.

Steve McQueen, 1970


MadMen Yourself: With Twitter

AMC launched a new microsite for promote MadMen’s third season (The popular TV series). In the website you can build your own character from the ground up with a lot of different accessories. Best of all the illustrations created by Dyna Moe. Then you can integrate your customised charater straight into your twitter account! Check out the MadMen Yourself website here.

Thanks to Digital Buzz


Facebook Brands with Fans: Starbucks Tops Coke

With more 3.6 million fans, Starbucks recently blew past Coca-Cola to become the the most popular brand on Facebook, gaining nearly 200,000 fans in just one week by using popular promotions, according to statistics from Inside Facebook.

Starbucks achieved this feat by combining an engaging Facebook page, effective ads on that page, and numerous free-food giveaway promotions that resonated with fans, the analysis said. These tactics enabled Starbucks to pick up almost 200,000 Facebook fans during the week of July 19, 2009.

A detailed examination of Starbucks fan trends showed several spikes in the number of new fans between July 18 and July 21, when the company was running a free pastry giveaway. Fans who printed out a coupon could redeem a free pastry with the purchase of any beverage.
Earlier in July, Starbucks gave away free ice cream through its Facebook application. In May, the company put up new advertising posters is six cities, asking people to spot them, take photos, and post them on Twitter. These promotions were follow-ups to an election-day promotion last fall that offered free coffee to voters.

A recent report from Wetpaint and the Altimeter Group rated Starbucks as the #1 most socially engaged brand, and suggested that such social media efforts are helping the company’s bottom line.

This popularity of Starbucks giveaways is consistent with a general fervor for food coupons, especially during the recession. Research from RetailMeNot showed that food items remain among the most downloaded online coupons, and Mobilize Systems revealed that mobile phone users would like to see more coupons for snack foods.

The data also tracks with anecdotal reports that consumers support the Starbucks brand, but find the products too pricey during the recession. This explains, in part, why food giveaways and coupons have the appeal they do.

ref: http://tinyurl.com/meendv