
internet istatistikleri..

Google search stats:

1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) - approximate number of unique URLs in Google’s index

2,000,000,000 (two billion) - very rough number of Google searches daily

$110,000,000 - approximately amount of money lost by Google annually due to the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button

24,400 - number of people employed by Google (December, 2008)

68,000,000 - the average number of times people Googled the word Google each month for the last year (source: keyword tool)

$39.96 - the average cost per click for the phrase “consolidation of school loans” in AdWords (source: keyword tool)

1,430,000 - the number of Google results for “Robert Scoble”

136,000 - the number of Google results for “Admiral Ackbar”

Wikipedia stats 

2,695,205 - the number of articles in English on Wikipedia

- the number of visitors to Wikipedia in the last year

75,000 - the number of active contributors to Wikipedia

10,000,000 - the number of total articles in Wikipedia in all languages

260 - the number of languages articles have been written in on Wikipedia

YouTube stats 

70,000,000 - number of total videos on YouTube (March 2008)

200,000 - number of video publishers on YouTube (March 2008)

100,000,000 - number of YouTube videos viewed per day (this stat from 2006 is the most recent I could locate)

112,486,327 - number of views the most viewed video on YouTube has (January, 2009)

2 minutes 46.17 seconds - average length of video

412.3 years - length in time it would take to view all content on YouTube (March 2008)

26.57 - average age of uploader

13 hours - amount of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute

US $1.65 billion in Google stock - amount Google Inc. announced that it had acquired YouTube for in October 2006

$1,000,000 - YouTube’s estimated bandwidth costs per day

Blogosphere stats

133,000,000 - number of blogs indexed by Technorati since 2002

346,000,000 - number of people globally who read blogs (comScore March 2008)

900,000 - average number of blog posts in a 24 hour period

1,750,000 - number of RSS subscribers to TechCrunch, the most popular Technology blog (January 2009)

77% - percentage of active Internet users who read blogs

55% - percentage of the blogosphere that drinks more than 2 cups of coffee per day

81 - number of languages represented in the blogosphere

59% - percentage of bloggers who have been blogging for at least 2 years

Twitter stats

1,111,991,000 - number of Tweets to date

3,000,000 - number of Tweets/day(March 2008) (from TechCrunch)

165,414 - number of followers of the most popular Twitter user (@BarackObama) - but he’s not active

86,078 - number of followers of the most active Twitter user

63% - percentage of Twitter users that are male 

Facebook stats

200,000,000 - number of active users

100,000,000 - number of users who log on to Facebook at least once each day

170 - number of countries/territories that use Facebook

35 - number of different languages used on Facebook

2,600,000,000 - number of minutes global users in aggregate spend on Facebook daily

100 - number of friends the average user has

700,000,000 - number of photos added to Facebook monthly

52,000 - number of applications currently available on Facebook

140 - number of new applications added per day

Digg stats

236,000,000 - number of visitors attracted annually by 2008

56% - percentage of Digg’s frontpage content allegedly controlled by top 100 users

124,340 - number of stories MrBabyMan, the number one user, has Dugg

612 - number of stories from Cracked.com that have made page 1 of Digg

36,925 - number of Diggs the most popular story in the last 365 days has received